Inside Prysmian’s new ‘smart-working’ HQ

Just as we have done in the cable industry, we’re breaking boundaries with our new office.
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A certified Platinum LEED building
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system is the leading benchmarker of green buildings. It rates structures according to their environmental sustainability across every aspect of their construction.
And we have achieved a platinum rating – their highest level of certification.
Not only is our HQ resource efficient, it saves costs and allows us to work in a way that’s greener – supporting the planet whilst building a more sustainable business.

A new, more collaborative way of working
Not only does the new structure make clever use of natural resources and energy-efficient architecture to create a comfortable working environment, it facilitates better working and a sense of community with its carefully-considered network of meeting rooms, open-plan work spaces and social areas.
All designed to encourage flexibility and productivity and directly address work-related requirements such as team and remote working, and spaces for concentrated working or informal networking.
Less time will be spent at traditional desks. Instead, personal workstations have been conceived and designed to facilitate movement, and interaction between colleagues and clients; a fundamental principle of our project.
With larger or smaller meeting rooms, phone booths, and informal settings all equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we will be able to use the most suitable space for our needs, enhancing productivity and innovation, and the efficiency with which we can work.
In support of this setup, we’ve created Prysmart, a multi-channel communication system, to help people share the most important information about our headquarters through social network spaces and newsletters.
New Headquarter numbers:
square metres
openspace workstations
meeting rooms
180 people
in the new Auditorium
“Change goes hand in hand with improvement

Andrea Pirondini
Chief Operating Officer
We’re revolutionising the way people work. And when they come to work.
As part of our smart-working initiative, we’re giving employees the chance to work from the office only when they need to, as well as deciding when to arrive and leave, according to the requirements of their particular role.

HQ Sustainability numbers
bike-sharing station
electric car recharge stations
waste-sorting centres / 0 bins
Reducing our impact on the environment
This digital transformation is also helping us eliminate paper consumption at our office. Our ambitious ‘no paper’ agenda not only encourages us to forge new and more efficient ways of working, it also has far-reaching environmental implications.
And it’s not the only way we’re cutting down on our use of energy. We’re taking full advantage of the natural resources available to us at our HQ.
Natural light is used in 85% of the spaces, courtesy of double-pitched roofs in our greenhouse-style buildings, alongside sensor-activated LED bulbs. This allows us to achieve energy savings of 80% compared to normal bulbs, using illumination only where it is truly necessary. Much of the shade comes from deciduous trees.
In the summer, a mechanical opening system in the roofs will provide natural cooling, thus reducing the use of air-conditioning. The southern-facing slopes have repositionable sunshade louvers controlled by a light-sensing device, which will limit direct sun exposure.
Recycling is encouraged in communal areas, such as the cafeteria, to further limit wastage.
We’re even addressing the way we travel to work – offering a subsidised annual season ticket for public transport to those who decide to give up their parking space. It has been well received, meaning fewer people are using cars for travel and are opting for more sustainable options instead.
The pillars of our Headquarters:
Cross-functionality and collaboration
Work-life integration and wellness
Pride and reputation
Socialisation and sharing
Digital transformation
With a continuous dialogue between clever architecture and the latest ways of working, we’ll continue to develop and refine the way we use our offices, supporting efficient growth and keeping Prysmian at the forefront of innovation.
Our Energy numbers
3,700 sq m
covered with photovoltaic panels
390 thousand
m of power cables
230 thousand
m of data transmission cables

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Inside Prysmian’s new ‘smart-working HQ

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