Prysmian Downhole Technologies

For more than thirty years, Prysmian has pioneered the development of innovative downhole technology solutions.
We have invested in advanced design and manufacturing facilities to make sure that the Prysmian Downhole Technology (PDT) portfolio meets the needs of customers all around the world.
The Prysmian Downhole Technology portfolio meets the challenges of the full span of today’s downhole requirements and allows us to supply advanced, cost effective solutions. From simple, single duty land-based installations through to the most complex multi-parameter systems for deep water developments operators all around the world rely on Prysmian Downhole Technology.

Our experience and expertise is the product of the marriage of the Prysmian, Draka and Gulf Coast Downhole Technology brands. The integration of these businesses allows us to address the needs of a wide-range of applications from the opening and closing of valves, to downhole flow measurements and ensuring flow assurance and includes technology that can be used in high temperature, extreme pressure and aggressive / corrosive fields.

Our technical and engineering expertise is backed by an integrated supply chain (able to manufacture “in house” all components) and strong service support teams that operate in all the major oil and gas regions. We focus on quality, continuous improvement and operational flexibility to make sure we earn your trust as a partner of choice for all your downhole technology needs.

This isn’t the end of the story. Pioneering new, innovative products and services is at the heart of the Prysmian Downhole Technology culture. Every day we have teams developing the next generation of solutions to make sure we anticipate the next challenge and are ready with solutions to support our industry’s push into ever more challenging exploration and production situations.
Put simply, the global Prysmian Group will continue to help customers deliver projects around the world with responsive and reliable technology that represents the best value for project execution and operational flexibility.